About DAETS DAETS, Differential- Algebraic Equations (DAEs) by Taylor Series, is a C package for solving initial value problems for DAE systems. Developed jointly by Ned Nedialkov at McMaster University, Canada, and John Pryce at Cranfield University, UK, DAETS is based on Pryce's method for the structural analysis of DAEs. This is a powerful way to determine the index of the system, its number of degrees of freedom, and exactly which components should be given initial values. The results of the structural analysis can be printed out by the user's program as a useful aid to understanding a DAE problem. A DAE can be encoded in a form very close to its mathematical description.
There is no need to convert it to a form that involves only first derivatives, nor to use index-reduction techniques. Finding an initial consistent point for a DAE is often difficult, especially for nonlinear problems. DAETS has a robust and reliable method for doing so automatically. DAETS has been used to solve a range of nontrivial problems, including chemical, mechanical and electrical system examples from the 'ODE/DAE Test Set for Initial Value Problem Solvers', DAEs of index up to 47, and difficult continuation problems.
It has been found easy to use by students in a graduate course on scientific computing. Authors Ned Nedialkov Dept. Of Computing and Software McMaster University Hamilton, ON, L8S 1H2 CANADA John Pryce 46 Ponting Street Swindon Wiltshire, SN1 2BW UK.
. Date & Time: To set the current date, click the date within the mini-calendar; to set the system time, click in the field above the clock and type the current time.
You can’t set these values manually if you use a network time server. To automatically set your Mac’s system time and date from a network time server, select the Set Date & Time Automatically check box and then choose a server from the pop-up menu that corresponds to your location. (Of course, you need an Internet connection to use a network time server.) Time Zone: Click your approximate location on the world map to choose a time zone or click the Closest City pop-up menu and choose the city that’s closest to you (and shares your same time zone). Alternatively, select the Set Time Zone Automatically Using Current Location check box — a real convenience for MacBook owners who are constantly traveling.
Clock: If you select the Show the Date and Time in Menu Bar check box, you can choose to view the time in text or icon format. You can also optionally display seconds, the date, AM/PM, and the day of the week; have the time separator characters flash; or use a clock based on 24 hours. Your Mac can announce the time, if you want. If you’d like this helpful reminder, select the Announce the Time check box on the Clock pane, and click the pop-up menu to select an hour, half-hour, or quarter-hour announcement.