. There are several ways to install Java.

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This is the one that worked for me. Different Javas Several organizations work on OpenSDK specs from and certified for Java SE TCK compliance on x64 reference architecture systems., from a company that also sells Java optimization products Its zulu8.30.0.1-jdk8.0.172-macosxx64 from zip April 18, 2018 is 179.2 MB expanded. and. OpenJDK with Eclipse OpenJ9.

Which Java You Got? On a Terminal open to any folder:.

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The $JAVAHOME environment variable is used by Groovy, Grails, Spring Boot, and others: echo $JAVAHOME Sample response: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0162.jdk/Contents/Home PROTIP: This command is my preferred way to see what a machine has because if you invoke java or javac, if it’s not installed, MacOS prompts you to install the JDK. But don’t do it if you want. Apple Java PROTIP: The version that comes installed on Apple Macs is obsolete and thus not have the latest security patches. But do not delete the default version. But if you did, to re-install Java 6 for OS X 2014-001, it can be obtained from. To see what Java VM you have already installed: java -version A sample response: java version '1.8.0162' Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0162-b12) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.162-b12, mixed mode). PROTIP: Developers use the JDK rather than the JRE (Runtime Environment), see what version of the Java Compiler is installed: javac -version A sample response: javac 1.8.0162.

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If you do see the MacOS prompt to install Java, click More Info. Activdriver for mac. /usr/libexec/javahome -V That’s a capital V.