How do I open zip and far files on mac? As my WinZip Mac was expired, I was looking for an alternative app to open zip files. After all, Zipeg was my next selection. In brief, Zipeg is a universal free file opener and.rar files.

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To use it, just a click to open a file and view what is inside. Find exactly what you are looking for and extract it. Zipeg Features:,.rar,.7z,.tar,.gz,.tgz,.bzip2,.iso,.cbr,.cbz formats; rare:.arj,.lha.lzh,.cpio,.rpm,.chm,.z,.war,.ear decrypts password and.rar files (strong AES encryption).

Auto-magically combines and opens and.rar files. Shows content of archive and allow you to select what to extract. Groks filenames in national alphabets (both code pages and unicode). Super fast “hover over” preview using EXIF thumbnails for photographs. Ideal for opening multiple gmail attachments downloaded as zip file. Useful for opening and browsing Facebook backup zip files.

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You can peruse the full list or search for data formats and file extensions based on the letter they start with from the table below.