SQLite JDBC for macOS This tutorial shows how to set up a data source and connect to a SQLite database using the Database Explorer app or the command line. This tutorial uses the SQLite JDBC 3.7.2 Driver to connect to a SQLite Version 3.7.17 database. Step 1. Verify the driver installation. If the JDBC driver for SQLite is not installed on your computer, find the link on the page to install the driver. Follow the instructions to download and install this driver on your computer. If you do not want to install a driver and want to store relational data quickly, you can use the MATLAB ® interface to SQLite.
For details, see. Add the JDBC driver to the MATLAB static Java class path. Run the prefdir function in the Command Window. The output of this command is a file path to the MATLAB preferences folder on your computer. For details, see. Close MATLAB. Navigate to the folder from step 1, and create a file named javaclasspath.txt in the folder.
Open javaclasspath.txt. Add the full path to the database driver JAR file in javaclasspath.txt.
The full path includes the path to the folder where you downloaded the JAR file from the database provider followed by the JAR file name. The following is an example of the path: /home/user/DBDrivers/sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2.jar.
Save and close javaclasspath.txt. Restart MATLAB. Alternatively, you can use to add a JDBC driver to the dynamic Java ® class path. For details about static and dynamic class paths, see (MATLAB). Set up the data source using the Database Explorer app. This step is required only for connecting to a database using the Database Explorer app. If you want to use the command line to connect to your database, see.
Your entries for Driver and URL can vary depending on the type and version of the JDBC driver and your database. For details, see the JDBC driver documentation for your database. In the Driver box, enter the SQLite driver Java class object. Here, use org.sqlite.JDBC. If you did not add the JDBC driver file path to the Java class path, the dialog box displays this message at the bottom: Unable to find JDBC driver file on MATLAB Java class path.
Address this message by following the steps described in. Connect to the SQLite database by creating a URL string using the format jdbc:subprotocol:subname. The jdbc part of this string stays constant for any JDBC driver. Subprotocol is a database type, in this case, sqlite. The last part of the URL string is subname. For SQLite, subname contains the location of the database. For example, your string is jdbc:sqlite:dbpath, where dbpath is the full path to your SQLite database on your computer.
Enter your string in the URL box and press Enter. Click Test. The Test Connection dialog box opens. Enter the user name and password for your database, or leave these boxes blank if your database does not require them. If your connection succeeds, the Database Explorer dialog box displays a message indicating the connection is successful. Otherwise, it displays an error message.
Click Save. The JDBC Data Source Configuration dialog box displays a message indicating the data source is saved successfully.
Close this dialog box. After you complete the data source setup, connect to the SQLite database using the Database Explorer app or the command line with the JDBC connection.
Connect using the Database Explorer app or the command line. Connect to SQLite Using Database Explorer App. On the Database Explorer tab, in the Data Source section, click New Query. In the Connect to a Data Source dialog box, select the data source you defined from the Data Source list. Enter a user name and password, or leave these boxes blank if your database does not require them. Click Connect.
The Database Explorer app connects to the database and displays database tables in the Data Browser pane. A data source tab appears to the right of the pane. The title of the data source tab is the data source name that you defined during the setup. The data source tab contains empty SQL Query and Data Preview panes.
Select tables in the Data Browser pane to query the database. Close the data source tab to close the SQL query and the database connection. Tip To close the database connection, close all tabs that have titles beginning with the name of the corresponding data source. For example, if the data source name is SQLite, and two tabs named SQLite and SQLite1 are open, then close both tabs. To close all database connections, close the Database Explorer app. Connect to SQLite Using JDBC Driver and Command Line When using the command line, you do not have to set up a data source with the Database Explorer app.
You can use the command line to pass all the required parameters for connection. Enter the data source name that you defined for the first argument. Enter your user name username and password pwd, or leave these arguments blank if your database does not require them.
The fourth argument is the driver Java class object. This code assumes that the class object is org.sqlite.JDBC. The last argument is the URL string URL that you create using the format jdbc:subprotocol:subname. The jdbc part of this string stays constant for any JDBC driver. Subprotocol is a database type, in this case, sqlite. The last part of the URL string is subname.
For SQLite, subname contains the location of the database. For example, your string is jdbc:sqlite:dbpath, where dbpath is the full path to your SQLite database on your computer. For example, this code assumes that you are connecting to a data source named SQLite.
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