Features of JEXTN Testimonial:. 13 InBuilt theme to stylize your Testimonial and 3 types of modules. See demo. Supports avatars/photos. Supports Video testimonials. Supports Audio Testimonials. Supports unlimited testimonial categories.
Show the authors name, url, location, etc. Recaptcha for prevent spam. SEO Friendly URL, Supports sh404SEF. Display the testimonial in article content page. Supports 4 different slide effects in Je testimonial module. Choose whether to auto-publish or moderate new testimonial submissions.
View/publish/edit/delete all testimonials from the backend. Support languages English, Swedish, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, Arabic, Norwegian, portuguese, Greek, Chinese, etc. Choose whether the testimonials will be added by registered users.
Pagination: Choose to display Number of testimonials per page. Add Unlimited Testimonial and Author. Very easy to configure parameter. Configure the data you want to display. Support multilingual. Show/Hide option for Avatar and Video fields in form settings. Admin can manage the specifications of this module.
Admin will receive email notifications, when testimonials are added by the users. Cross Browser Support. Firefox 3.x, Opera 9+, IE 5+,Safari,Firefox MAC, Safari MAC,etc. Removed the add ons in the front end editor and made it look better.
Admin can approve the testimonials through the email, without logging into administrator. Admin can Add/View/Publish/Edit/Delete testimonials from admin panel.
Categorised view for the module. Prompt and professional support provided on the Ticket and forum support. Additional Module for displaying testimonials using Fader effect. Displayed posted date and release date.
Added Date format option in Component and Modules settings. Added Release date field in the form and option for editing the Posted date in the back-end. Added state field for Jextn Testimonial form page. Displayed testimonial posted date with Show/Hide option. Random option for listing testimonials. Added pagination option form backend.
Text limit option and readmore link for JEXTN Fader Testimonial Module. Added 'Add Testimonial' link and for JEXTN Fader Testimonial and JEXTN Testimonial Modules with Show/Hide option. Option for adding multiple email values to get email notification for more than one admin users. Support Responsive Web Design. Particular category testimonial will display in more than one columns.(You can enter maximum 3 columns only). Character limit for read more option.(You can enter maximum 1000 characters only).
Option to add testimonial by user Manage testimonials and lot 30 different styles to set (6 colors + 5 types of quotes) You can display your testimonials at any module position using this easy to configure Testimonial Fader. If you want to display your testimonials inside the content, then you can use loadposition plugin for that. Key Features of Testimonial Fader COMPONENT FEATURES OPTION FOR USERS / VISITORS.
Form Options: Name, Email Id, Write Testimonial and CAPTCHA To avoid spamming. Users can add testimonials using testimonial form ★ After submitting the testimonial it doesn't show up instantly in the website till the webmaster publish it at the backend. The approved or published testimonials can be listed in a page using the component.