PowerPoint for Office 365 for Mac PowerPoint 2019 for Mac PowerPoint 2016 for Mac You can add bulleted and numbered lists in PowerPoint 2016 for Mac presentations, and you can customize the style, color, and size of the bullets or numbers. You can also change the number that you want to start from, increase or decrease indents, and increase or decrease spacing between a bullet or number and its text. PowerPoint does not support multilevel lists, but you can. Insert a bulleted or numbered list. On the View tab, click Normal.
Click in the text box or placeholder where you want to add bulleted or numbered text. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Bullets or Numbering, and begin typing your list. Press Return to create a new list item. Or, select lines of text that are already on your slide, and then click Bullets or Numbering to format that text as a list. Change the look of a bullet or number. To change one bullet or number, place the cursor at the start of the line that you want to change. To change multiple bullets or numbers, select the text in all of the bullets or numbers that you want to change.
On the Home tab, click the arrow next to either the Bullets or Numbering button, and then click Bullets and Numbering. In the Bullets and Numbering dialog box, do one or more of the following: To use a picture as a bullet, on the Bullets tab, click Picture, and then scroll to find a picture icon that you want to use. To add a character from the symbol list to the Bulleted or Numbered tabs, on the Bullets tab, click the gear icon under Customize, click a symbol, and then click OK.
You can apply the symbol to your slides from the style lists. To change a numbered list to start at a certain number, on the Numbering tab, type the number in the Start at box. To change the color or size of bullets or numbers, choose an option under Color or Size. Change the indent or spacing between text and points. To create an indented (subordinate) list within a list, place the cursor at the start of the line that you want to indent, and then on the Home tab, click Indent More. You can also press TAB to increase the indent. To move text back to a less indented level in the list, place the cursor at the start of the line and click Indent Less.
To create spacing between list points, on the Home tab, click Line Spacing. Remove bullets and numbering. Select your list, and on the Home tab, click the Bullets or Numbering buttons to remove the formatting. Related information.
. In the Stickies app on your Mac, choose File New Note. Enter text.
To add a picture or PDF, drag a file to your note. Your content is saved automatically. The first line of the note is shown in the title bar when you collapse the note. To customize your note, do any of the following:.
Change the note color: Choose a color from the Color menu. Change text formatting: Choose Font Show Fonts.
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Select text, then use the Fonts window to format it. Make the note semi-transparent: Choose Window Translucent. Keep the note in front of other windows: Choose Window Float on Top. In the Stickies app on your Mac, do any of the following:. Arrange a note manually: Click the top of a note and drag the note where you want it.
Group multiple notes: Choose Window Arrange By, then choose an option. Keep a note in front of other windows: Choose Window Float on Top. Make a note semi-transparent: Choose Window Translucent. Collapse or expand a note: Double-click the title bar. Change the size of a note: Drag the note’s edge (top, bottom, or sides). To maximize the note, click the triangle in the top-right corner.
Click it again to reduce the note to its original size. See note information: Hold the pointer over a collapsed note—you see when the note was created and last edited. If you don’t see your note, verify that the Stickies app is still open.
When Stickies is closed, notes don’t appear on your desktop. You can import a text file as a single note into Stickies or export a note from Stickies as a text file. You can also export all your notes from the Stickies app and import them into the Notes app, where you can write and organize notes in a single window and see your notes on all your devices.
In the Stickies app on your Mac, do any of the following:. Import or export a single note: Choose File Import Text or File Export Text. You can import and export notes in common formats such as plain text, RTF, and RTFD (includes graphics).
When you export text, you can choose where to save the file. Export all notes from Stickies to Notes: Choose File Export All to Notes, then click Export All. All your notes are imported to Notes into the Imported Notes folder, which contains subfolders for each color of note. (Your notes also remain in Stickies.).