Full text of ' 13 Products Tested MW LAB All About COLOI! PREPRESS ELF Update; Macworld Lab^Tests Monitors MACWORLD The Macintosh Magazine October 1991 Canada $4.95 28 Products Tested MW LAB How Good Is Your%.

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Tholbar and Making it all makr spnse are trademarks of C O N,T E N T S D H P A R T M E N I’ S On the Cover For in-depth cover- age of today's power- ful DTP tools, see '‘Scanners in View, ” page 146; “Top-Notch Type,' page 130; “Color Monitor Mi- rage,' page 114; and “The Prepress Edge, ' page 138. (Illustra- tion by Ron Chan.) In News The monochromel grayscale HP Desk- Writer C moonlights as a three-color printer, page 91.

Howto Contact Macworld 12 MacBulletin 19 Commentary/Jerry Borrell 25 What the Apple-IBM agreement really means. Letters 35 Art Beat 41 By Cathy Abes The Iconoclast 55 By Steven Levy The dream dies: Apple and IBM’s unholy alliance. Conspicuous Consumer 65 By Deborah Branscum The ongoing ELF debate raises more questions.

Updates 81 News 91 By Dan Lit t man and Tom Moran New Products 203 How To/Quick Tips 211 By Lon Poole How To/Getting Started with Customizing Datahases. 227 By Jim He id How To/Insights on Adobe Illustrator 233 By Steve Roth Where to Buy 237 Best-Sellers 290 2 Macworld the M a c i n t o s h ® M a g a z i n e c t 0 b e r 1.9 9 1 FEATURES REVIEWS Color Monitor Mirage MW 114 By Charles Seiter As competition heats up in the 8.bii world, it gets harder to tell color monitors apart. We help you translate the differences into a sound buying decision. Seeking ELF Relief (Mj 124 By Rory J.

O' C o n ri o r Monitor makers have responded to consumer health concerns by designing displays with reduced electromagnetic emissions. Macworld Lab tests 32 color monitors to find out if those efforts have paid off.


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The Prepress Edge 138 By Joe Matazzoni Today’s electronic prepress options make it possible to do four-color publishing on the Mac — with quality results and fewer costs. Scanners in View MW 146 By Steve Roth Macworld Lab puts 13 gray-scale scanners through their paces to separate the top contenders from the pretenders.

T Y P H in Transitkm.r/fTr/ / Top-Notch Type 130 By Jim H e i cl Having access to powerful font technology isn’t enough to make you a skilled typographer. In this fourth and final part of our series on digital type, we show you how to use Mac typ)ographic tools to your best advantage. Scanners in View Find out which ones are the winners in the grayscale world, page 146. PC-VCR 154 Computer-controlled stereo VCR. PassProof 155 Hardware!

Software security kit. The American Heritage Electronic Dictionary 1.0 156 Online dictionary and thesaurus. FontMonger 1.0.3 162 Font-customization and format- conversion utility. ColorSnap 32+ and Quickimage 24 164 24-bit video image-capture boards. L-View Multi-Mode and QuickViewZ21 166 Multimode monitors.

NumberMaze Decimals 6 Fractions 1.01 173 Math education game for children. LabView 2 175 Instrument control software. The Oregon Trail and Wagon Train 1840 176 Educational simulation games.

Spaceship Warlock 180 Interactive movie on CD ROM. Masquerade 1.1 182 Spreadsheet compiler. CDA431 and PU CD-ROM.184 CD ROM drives.

TopDown 3.0 186 Chart- and diagram-creation software. Earl Weaver Oaseball 1.5.186 Baseball game. Mac-to-Mac 1.0.1 191 Netuforked file-transfer utility. M.Y.O.R.2.0 193 Small-business accounting. FlexiTrace 1.01 195 Grapb-to-number converter. The Desktop Critic 197 Switch Boot I.O; Compact Pro 1.30; Pixel-Flipper 1.3; Ram- Disk -F 2.1 1; AppDisk 1.2; Max- AppleZoom 1.3; QuitFinder FKey 1.2; SCSIInfo; SCSIProbe, Temperament 2.0. 3 NOTEBOOK SYSTEM muK.

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