1. Auto Capitalize First Letter Mac. Gem Menu For Mac Free

. the text you want to change, or click where you want to type new text. To change all of the text in a text box or a table cell, select the text box or triple-click the table cell. In the Format, click the Style button near the top. If the text is in a text box, table, or shape, first click the Text tab at the top of the sidebar, then click the Style button. In the Font section, click, then click the Capitalization pop-up menu and choose an option:.

None: The text is left as you entered it, with no changes. All Caps: All text is capitalized at the same height. Small Caps: All text is capitalized with larger capitals for uppercase letters.

Auto capitalize first letter mac. gem menu for macbook pro

Title Case: The first letter of each word (except for prepositions, articles, and conjunctions) is capitalized—for example, Seven Wonders of the World. Start Case: The first letter of each word is capitalized—for example, Seven Wonders Of The World.

The feature in PowerPoint corrects common typos and spelling errors in text within your PowerPoint slides automatically as you type. Have you ever wondered how PowerPoint knows that a particular word is spelled wrong? Does it refer to some resource as a reference? Also do you find some AutoCorrect options such as the capitalization of some words unnecessary? Also, researchers working in different scientific fields actually have to use some words that cannot start with a capital letter, and the first thing they want to do is turn off the automatic capitalization.

Auto Capitalize First Letter Mac. Gem Menu For Mac

Yes, it's possible to make AutoCorrect work just the way you want it to - as long as you know where to change these options:. Launch PowerPoint 2011, and choose PowerPoint Preferences, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Choose PowerPoint Preferences. This opens the PowerPoint Preferences dialog box - click the AutoCorrect option shown highlighted in red within Figure 2.

Figure 2: AutoCorrect options within the PowerPoint Preferences dialog box. Make sure you select the AutoCorrect tab. All the options within this tab are explained below as marked in Figure 2 above - select them as required:. Show AutoCorrect Options Buttons: This option controls whether a Smart Tag button appears along with an AutoCorrect action, as shown in Figure 3 below. Figure 3: AutoCorrect Options button Clicking this Smart Tag button brings up a small menu that lets you undo the change, and also provides the Stop Automatically Correcting.

Option that removes this AutoCorrect entry altogether. Clicking Control AutoCorrect Options, shown in Figure 3 gets you to the AutoCorrect Preferences dialog box shown in Figure 2, above. Tip: Wondering what an AutoCorrect entry is? We explain this term in our tutorial.

Auto Capitalize First Letter Mac. Gem Menu For Mac Free

Auto capitalize first letter mac. gem menu for mac download

Correct TWo INitial CApitals: If you accidentally hold down the Shift key for a tad longer, and end up typing two capital letters in a row (such as MIcrosoft), PowerPoint auto-corrects this error. Capitalize first letter of sentences: Capitalizes first letter of word that occurs at the beginning of a sentence. Capitalize names of days: Capitalizes the first letter in day names, such as Sunday, Monday, etc. Replace text as you type: You must leave this check-box selected so that the word list of AutoCorrect entries is always referred to - to correct text as you type.

We explain how you can add, edit, or delete these AutoCorrect entries in our tutorial. Exceptions: Click this button to open the AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box, as shown in Figure 4. This dialog box has two tabs - the first tab is called First Letter - here you can enter a list of capitalization exceptions, such as abbreviations that use periods but aren’t at the end of a sentence (for example, approx. also etc.).

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You can also set up a list of Two Initial Capitals exceptions in INitial CAps, the other tab of this dialog box. Click OK in this dialog box to apply any new exceptions added. Figure 4: AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box. When done, click the OK button to close the PowerPoint Preferences dialog box.